Saturday, June 7, 2014



Today we traveled from Somos to Sarria - a town of great significance on the Camino. For many pilgrims, Sarria is the starting point for their Camino journeys. Though much closer to Santiago than our starting point in Roncesvalles, the distance from Sarria to Santiago is the minimum travel distance required to earn a Compostela certificate. As proof of our travels we will be collecting at least two stamps in our pilgrims passports each day until we reach Santiago.

From Sarria we will begin to see significantly more peregrinos on the trail during our last 100 or so km's. We are looking forward to continue meeting peregrinos along the way. We have had incredible opportunities to speak with pilgrims from all parts of the world - today we experienced a taste of home by talking with two individuals from North Dakota.

Please pray for good health and good weather as we prepare for our remaining 20+ km days. In five days we will finally reach our destination: Santiago de Compostela!

Buen Camino


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